Friends actor David Schwimmer to read a Cbeebies Bedtime Story on Saturday, February 22

Friends actor David Schwimmer is to become the latest star to read a Cbeebies Bedtime Story.

The American actor, who played Ross Geller in the hit US sitcom about six friends living in New York, will read from the Cbeebies sofa on Saturday night (February 22).

Friends actor David Schwimmer will read this Saturday's bedtime story. Credit: CBeebies Bedtime Stories.
Friends actor David Schwimmer will read this Saturday's bedtime story. Credit: CBeebies Bedtime Stories.

But he will be telling the tale of two groups of aliens who are most definitely not friends.

The Smeds and The Smoos is the latest book from Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler about aliens who never mix. And when a young Smed and Smoo fall in love, their families strongly disapprove.

David, who follows in the footsteps of Orlando Bloom, Tom Hardy, Elton John and Dolly Parton in reading the Cbeebies bedtime story, will read The Smeds and The Smoos on Saturday (February 22) at 6.50pm.

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