Construction on a much-anticipated £150,000 town centre play park is set to begin this week.
A children's play park overlooking a town cinema has been overhauled in a move which has seen it "revitalised".
A brand-new nursery and pre-school has opened its latest branch for up to 110 children in the space of a former early years provider.
A popular park is set for a million-pound revamp as new plans for an overhaul of its facilities are revealed.
The parents of a youngster who suffered an allergic reaction at nursery say there are too few adrenaline-inducing devices available in schools.
A highly sought-after school, which was forced to deny nursery places to children living just metres away, is to expand its popular pre-school.
A mum whose daughter choked at nursery is raising money to equip childcare settings with life-saving anti-choking device.
A mum has told how she was able to save her son’s life with a special anti-choking device after he put a penny in his mouth.
Canterbury - March 08
Calling young people in year 8 to 11! Join us for our free Saturday Clubs in Art & Design, Photography and Product Design in March at UCA Canterbury.
Chatham - March 08
Brickwrecks: Sunken Ships in LEGO® Bricks debuts at The Historic Dockyard Chatham, featuring iconic shipwrecks through large LEGO® models and interactive exhibits on maritime archaeology.
Cranbrook - March 08
Join us for an unforgettable evening with Davina McCall, one of the UK's most beloved TV personalities and a pioneer in fitness and wellness.
The weather is getting brighter, so why not hop on your bike and explore the county with these family-friendly cycle routes?
Construction on a much-anticipated £150,000 town centre play park is set to begin this week.
Worried parents have aired their concerns after finding out their children have been given secondary school placements more than an hour away.