Big changes will allow child from any school to join Canterbury Cathedral choirs

Boys will no longer have to attend an exclusive boarding school to join a prestigious Canterbury Cathedral choir.

Since 1971, £12,500-a-year independent St Edmund's educated the young male singers aged between eight and 13 - who are each given partial scholarships.

Canterbury Cathedral's boys' and girls' choirs will be on an equal footing when the changes come into place. Picture: Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Cathedral's boys' and girls' choirs will be on an equal footing when the changes come into place. Picture: Canterbury Cathedral

But Cathedral bosses say they have "committed themselves to progressing equality", as they announce membership of the boys' choir will be opened to children from any institution, with compulsory boarding no longer a requirement.

The change - set to come into effect in September - will mean girl choristers will be on an equal footing to their male counterparts, as they have long been drawn from a number of schools.

The Very Reverend Dr David Monteith, Dean of Canterbury, said: “Music is an integral part of worship here.

“We have a united vision of the Cathedral that blesses and serves the people of the city and the wider community.

“We believe this announcement helps children across the area benefit from the life-changing experience that singing in a Cathedral choir offers.

Canterbury Cathedral bosses say the changes show they are "committed to progressing equality". Picture: Google
Canterbury Cathedral bosses say the changes show they are "committed to progressing equality". Picture: Google

“We are extremely grateful for the support and contribution St Edmund’s School has made during the past 50 years of our close partnership.”

The Canterbury Cathedral Choir consists of adult singers, boy choristers and girls, who are aged between 12 and 18.

Each week, the boys perform at five services and attend nine rehearsal sessions.

But when the changes come into place, they will sing at three services a week - the same number as the girls.

The Cathedral will continue to financially support all choristers currently studying at St Edmund’s School on scholarships - which bring the fees down to £8,994 a year - until their tenure has finished.

Director of music David Newsholme added: “We want music-making here not just to survive, but to evolve and flourish.

“We share the commitment to enable children from a diverse range of backgrounds to experience the many benefits that come from being a chorister.

“We believe this is the way to secure the future of the choir and we are excited to be moving forwards into this new era building on the strengths of our two well-established and respected choirs.”

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