Kent Choices Live: Careers advice for teenagers at the Kent Showground, near Maidstone
Helping children to make the right decisions can be tough. Some of the toughest times are when children and young people are approaching key crossroads in their lives, when the decisions they make can have a life-long impact.
What path do they want to choose when leaving Year 11? Or what choices are open to them after leaving full-time education?
Bringing together careers information, advice and guidance under one roof, this month's Kent Choices Live is there to help.
“I’m a parent and I know what it’s like,” says KCC’s Mike Rayner, one of the main players behind Kent Choices Live.
“Where can you get the right information and advice to help your child to make the right decisions? And even if you achieve that, how do you grab their attention and keep them engaged?
“It’s tough for parents, it’s tough for teachers and it’s especially tough for young people.
“This is why Kent Choices Live is so important. Under one roof, over two days, thousands of children and young people get to meet the people with the right information and, more importantly than that, get to have a go.”
At last year’s event 3,500 visitors met more than 100 exhibitors, spanning international companies, Kent employers, careers advisors and education professionals. With dozens of hands-on interactive displays, students got a taste of what certain careers might be like.
“The interactive displays and chance to have an informal chat are key to the success of the event,” says Mike.
“It’s not a one-way conversation or demonstration. Students can have a go at preparing a dish, changing a tyre, fixing a sink, styling hair or presenting the news.
“They are also free to ask the right people the questions they need answering. This year there will be even more opportunities to have a go.”
Mike’s aim for the event is 5,000-plus visitors.
“Ideally, every student in Kent and Medway would come through our doors. We think the event is that important for students and young people.
“It’s here to inspire them, as they explore work and career opportunities. And we’re here to support teachers and parents.
“Choosing the right path is tough and all we want is to help in a big way.”
Kent Choices Live is on Wednesday, March 16 and Thursday, March 17 from 9am to 3pm at the County Showground at Detling.
The first day is for years 7 to 11 only with places booked through schools. Day two is open to everyone 16-years-old and over. The event is FREE to attend.
Within a day of the booking lines schools across Kent and Medway had already claimed more than 3,000 places.
Kent Choices Live is staged by KCC and Medway Council in partnership with the KM Group.
Teachers, parents and young people across Kent can find out more at