Kent Test results and appeal processes for the 11 Plus
More than 14,300 children who took the 11-plus this year are in the process of finding out whether they have a place at one of the county's 33 grammars.
Figures released by KCC indicate the number of pupils who sat the test increased by 625 to 14,349 this year and the number who passed rose by 278 to 6,537.
Of these, 4,369 are from Kent compared with 2,145 outside the county.
However, KCC says it expects a number of children will not take up places at its grammars, easing the pressure.
There are 4,959 places available compared with 4,767 last year.
Cllr Roger Gough, KCC cabinet member for education, said:
“As in previous years many children from outside Kent will be unsuccessful in their grammar school applications, this is due to the nature of the oversubscription criteria for Kent schools.”
“Consequently the 4369 children from Kent that have been assessed suitable for grammar school will, in most circumstances, enjoy priority for the majority of 4959 places available at Kent grammar schools.”
Today's Kent Test results play a crucial role in the secondary school application process - with families needing to have submitted their child's secondary application choices by October 31 - naming up to four schools in order of preference. The results of which are confirmed on March 1 next year.
But a Kent grammar school assessment does not guarantee a Kent grammar school place.
If more children apply for places than a particular school can accommodate the school will use its oversubscription criteria to decide which children it can take.
Some children assessed suitable for grammar school may be offered places at all-ability schools if no local grammar school can offer a place or if their parents name it as a higher preference.
Meanwhile those not deemed to have obtained high enough scores in the Kent Test can apply to have an appeal heard, which won't alter the test score, but does have the power to grant a grammar school place when other factors are taken into account.
Parents who registered will be sent their Kent Test results via email after 4pm detailing their child's scores while results will also be made available online from 5pm for parents to log in and check.
Letters will be sent to all 14,349 families on Thursday afternoon, to arrive on doormats from Friday.