A children's play park overlooking a town cinema has been overhauled in a move which has seen it "revitalised".
A head teacher has discovered a suitcase filled with photos and documents from the school’s rich history.
A mum has set up a charity after her nine-year-old girl was diagnosed with a life-limiting condition that affects just 500 people worldwide.
The office block of a former chemicals factory could become home to a new school for students with autism.
A primary school that was declared “inadequate” has been transformed with a recent inspection now rating it “outstanding” in all areas.
Pupils and staff at a primary academy are celebrating after retaining their “Good” status following an inspection by the education watchdog.
Plans to enlarge one village primary have met opposition from some who believe it’s the wrong way to deal with a “temporary increase” in pupils.
A large parcel of land has exchanged hands to allow a “much-loved” primary school to expand and add hundreds of new places.
A primary school is asking people to bring in their used food containers and water bottles as it competes to win playground equipment.
Teachers at a primary school previously rated ‘requires improvement’ are over the moon to have turned things around after their latest inspection.
The School Streets initiative, which sees timed road closures during peak school hours, has been recommended for expansion across part of Kent.
If your children are preparing their letters to Father Christmas we’ve all the details about where to send them and how to ensure they get a reply.
Kent’s deepening special educational needs crisis and the rocketing cost to the taxpayer is today laid bare.
We bring reception class pictures together from more than 200 schools for the First Class supplements available from Wednesday, November 6.
Residents are fuming over plans to create a traffic-free zone outside a school which would impact their already congested road.
Nearly 30,000 adults and children are waiting to be assessed for autism and ADHD in what critics are calling a “broken” system.
We have thousands of reflector keyrings to give away to help Kent pupils remain visible during the darker days to come.
Next Step
A guide for your future. For year 11 students in Kent and Medway. Click here for the e-edition.
My Kent Family's team of health professionals and education champions answer your parenting questions
New Romney - February 24
Come along to this fun club to socialise and play your favourite games with friends. Free, donations welcomed.
Eynsford - February 24
Pre-book online or drop-in between 10am and 2pm and pick up one of our Winter Scavenger Trails. Explore the woods and park, following our self-led activity trail.
New Romney - February 24
Fitness class for over 50s.
Keep the kids happy for hours with a visit to one of Kent’s country parks. Here’s some of our top picks.
A children's play park overlooking a town cinema has been overhauled in a move which has seen it "revitalised".
Keepers at a Kent animal park have announced a pair of its orangutans are expecting a baby.