A school that makes pupils lock their phones away at the start of the day has won an award for the policy’s positive impact on its children.
A youth charity has had two bids to buy its home of 12 years turned down, as the cash-strapped county council looks to sell the premises
The county council has paid out £340k less to parents in the last year after the number winning appeals over free school transport halved.
Angry parents have branded a bus company “irresponsible” after it axed a service used by “herds of children”.
A beauty branch is set to open at Bluewater this year after closing its previous branch back in 2012.
We found out why some of the county’s eight driving test centres have better pass rates than others.
A personal trainer coaching young athletes in a town plagued with stories of unruly youths says there are also dedicated, hard-working kids there.
A bus driver has turned her vehicle into a festive grotto and is serenading her young passengers with seasonal songs.
We’ve had exclusive access inside the only Sephora in the county ahead of the make-up store’s official opening.
Can children cope without a smartphone until age 14 or 16? Thousands of Kent parents think so and they’re on a mission to change things.
My Kent Family's team of health professionals and education champions answer your parenting questions
Folkestone - March 10
Fun, social weekly football sessions in Folkestone for girls aged 12-15.
Goudhurst - March 10
Our art sessions for home-educated children allow creativity to fly.
New Romney - March 10
Our Crafty Club is for everyone regardless of artistic skill and experience.
The weather is getting brighter, so why not hop on your bike and explore the county with these family-friendly cycle routes?
Construction on a much-anticipated £150,000 town centre play park is set to begin this week.
Worried parents have aired their concerns after finding out their children have been given secondary school placements more than an hour away.