Under-threat family and children’s services at two centres in Kent will have to wait until next week to find out if they face the axe.
A zoo has warned customers an offer for discounted tickets is nothing to do with them, and not to hand over their details.
A mum-of-four has landed a £50,000 investment from business moguls after appearing on BBC One’s hit show Dragons’ Den.
A mum has set up a charity after her nine-year-old girl was diagnosed with a life-limiting condition that affects just 500 people worldwide.
A couple have ditched the “dangerous, scary and bleak” UK in favour of world schooling their son.
A couple have faced ‘sleepless nights’ and a ‘rollercoaster journey’ after their baby boy was born three months early weighing just 1.5lb.
A grandad has shared the heartbreak of losing his granddaughter to sepsis and says it is something the family will “never get over”.
A dad who spent 20 years restoring the iconic Ghostbusters’ car is pleading for the return of a much-loved family heirloom bike stolen from a lock-up.
The parents of a youngster who suffered an allergic reaction at nursery say there are too few adrenaline-inducing devices available in schools.
A shopping centre has exclusively revealed to KentOnline details of two major deals which will see a chain relocate and the fast food giant move in.
New figures released by Shelter have revealed the number of children living in temporary accommodation in England is at a ‘record high’.
A mum has told how she was able to save her son’s life with a special anti-choking device after he put a penny in his mouth.
The parents of tennis star who died from anaphylactic shock say it is “wonderful” to support an allergy clinic which is the first of its kind in Kent.
A young boy fundraising for memorial benches after losing his own brother suddenly just last year is among this year’s Children’s Awards winners.
My Kent Family's team of health professionals and education champions answer your parenting questions
New Romney - March 13
Our art club is for everyone regardless of artistic skill or experience.
Ripple near Deal - March 13
Organ recital at St Mary the Virgin Church in Ripple near Deal. Historic heritage organ, formerly in St Peter's Church in Sandwich. Requests for specific music available.
Maidstone - March 14
10am-1pm on Friday 14th March for adults aged 19+. Taking place at Blackthorn Trust, Maidstone, ME16 9AN. Only £5 per person (all materials will be provided). Booking essential.
The weather is getting brighter, so why not hop on your bike and explore the county with these family-friendly cycle routes?
Construction on a much-anticipated £150,000 town centre play park is set to begin this week.
Worried parents have aired their concerns after finding out their children have been given secondary school placements more than an hour away.